The Scottish Highlands without the Midges Kindle Promotion
‘Book’ yourself a journey of a lifetime to the Scottish Highlands, switching back and forth between Victorian/Edwardian times and the present day adventures of American [...]
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‘Book’ yourself a journey of a lifetime to the Scottish Highlands, switching back and forth between Victorian/Edwardian times and the present day adventures of American [...]
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The idea behind ‘Bloodlines – Touch Not The Cat’ is an intriguing one. Two threads of a story taking place a century or so apart on either side of the Atlantic are brought together in alternate chapters culminating in an absorbing mystery that has been shrouded in secrecy for generations.
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We had never before done much creative writing, or published a novel. Our combined experience depended on Tom’s love for reporting sports (I will not mention his club for fear of diversion from the subject) and my personal development-related manuals, texts and columns
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Lovely review from a Macpherson no less…
The August Winner of the ‘Share a Post or Send in a Review’ contest is a Macpherson!
Thank [...]
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Review from Ceci Wong,
I just finished reading Bloodlines-Touch Not the Cat last night and WOW…what twists and turns and surprises…but oh, so much [...]
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New beginnings for Bloodlines-Traces on the day of Summer Stolstice, June 21st 2016
You can order your paperback copy of Bloodlines Traces here
While our [...]
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Considering Bloodlines – Touch Not the Cat, our first-born genealogy mystery novel, was an unplanned accident created by two first time novelists, it may not [...]
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Chocolate, as many of us are conscious of, works wonders with women. Mind you, I’m not discriminating here. I know men can be ‘into chocolate’ as [...]
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Once upon a time, the combination of a dream of one author and the genealogy research expertise of the other; ignited the storyline for Bloodlines [...]
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It’s Sunday, 3 November 1895… “Gordon could not remember the pull of the Spey being this strong before….”
Listen to an audio excerpt from [...]
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Join our Virtual Mystery Contest Tour - with personal pictures & stories from the authors - and get an online taste of the June 5th 2012 Ballindalloch Bloodlines [...]
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