We Want Proof!
Yes, yes, yes, it’s here! The long awaited PROOF, Bloodlines Traces really exists has arrived!
After some confusement on both sides, Lightning Source (the [...]
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Yes, yes, yes, it’s here! The long awaited PROOF, Bloodlines Traces really exists has arrived!
After some confusement on both sides, Lightning Source (the [...]
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I caught myself right in the middle of it this week.
Me, in one of my other lives an energy counsellor, telling people how [...]
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A page turner of a novel and sequel to the highly praised McKerley & Schippers debut,
Bloodlines -Traces reveals the challenges of Women’s Suffrage, poverty in [...]
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It’s the challenges and learning curves that make the work worthwhile!
Thank you for being patient with us!
The aim is to publish Bloodlines – [...]
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In 1902, two days before he was to be crowned, the future King Edward VII was diagnosed with appendicitis and in need of emergency [...]
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Bloodlines -Traces, the sequel to Bloodlines – Touch Not the Cat, includes a ‘Murder on the Royal Scotsman, ‘ the famous Orient Express train which [...]
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anything that happens in a book, is as much fact as it is fiction.
It all depends on who is doing the storytelling.
The author holding up the mirror? Or the reader recognizing the face?
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The part of editing Tom and I are in now, is the most fun part.
It is the part, where the book is already [...]
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WYBT (‘Would You Believe That’ publishing) will be publishing Bloodlines Traces on Kindle and for the UK/European market.
Based on our experiences with Bloodlines [...]
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Actress Anne Marie Martin, also known for being one of the 4 ex-wives of famed author Michael Crichton , (Jurassic Park, creator of the [...]
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Considering Bloodlines – Touch Not the Cat, our first-born genealogy mystery novel, was an unplanned accident created by two first time novelists, it may not [...]
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Next to learning how to fly or having the wish to run a marathon, many people list ‘writing a book” in their bucket list [...]
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Have you ever wondered how much of what happens in your life today is a result of what happened in your family, 1,2,3 or even [...]
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“It should be remembered that it is no longer possible to force the Dardanelles, and nobody would expose a modern fleet to such peril.”
– [...]
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Our firstborn, Bloodlines Touch Not the Cat, ends with a prologue to the sequel describing a birth.
We never could have guessed how appropriate this [...]
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A new character appears in the second book of our Bloodlines series, by the name of Clementina Dorrington.
Here’s how we found her;
One day [...]
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On the use of Scottish, American and English English, as well as Victorian and modern day language.
One of the very good questions asked during [...]
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“A compelling read” Roddy Martine, Scotland Magazine
August 2013 Bloodlines-Touch Not the Cat Kindle Sale.
at your local amazon store. From GPB 8,99 NOW: GPB [...]
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Be part of the very first Bloodlines Touch Not the Cat Genealogy Mystery Tour in September 2013, and visit the Scottish Highland locations featured in the book, guided by the authors.
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It’s always interesting to observe how information travels from one person to the other and what happens next…….
My dentist seems to be a good [...]
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Many many thanks to Ronald Zwartepoorte, chief editor of Whisky Passion Magazine and Hans Offringa, author and media specialist who collaborated on giving us a [...]
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“ Scotland is rubbish at football, but if Genealogy had a World Cup; Scotland would be in the final”.
Iain Ferguson, Director of The National [...]
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Sometimes the answers are right on your doorstep! Talk to parents, grandparents, uncles, aunties, (old) neighbors.
Read about the years or era during which [...]
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Where does success come from? Who fathered it? Who gave it the unconditional maternal love to make it grow? Which is the gene responsible for [...]
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Almost a year after being published by Jo Parfitt’s Summertime Publishing on 11.11.11; Bloodlines Touch Not the Cat is going solo.
Jo, thank you for [...]
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Chocolate, as many of us are conscious of, works wonders with women. Mind you, I’m not discriminating here. I know men can be ‘into chocolate’ as [...]
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Once upon a time, the combination of a dream of one author and the genealogy research expertise of the other; ignited the storyline for Bloodlines [...]
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It’s Sunday, 3 November 1895… “Gordon could not remember the pull of the Spey being this strong before….”
Listen to an audio excerpt from [...]
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If there’s one we’ve learned as authors of Bloodlines-Touch Not the Cat, it’s that writing the book is only the first inch of the mile [...]
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Join our Virtual Mystery Contest Tour - with personal pictures & stories from the authors - and get an online taste of the June 5th 2012 Ballindalloch Bloodlines [...]
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