You are invited to a book signing with multiple authors in Wassenaar at The Saucy Spoons Cooking Club. Author Ingrid Schippers will be present to sign your copy of Bloodlines – Touch Not The Cat.
For more info, please see this pdf.
10 am – Introduction of the Authors and Artists and their work;
11 am – Sale (cash only) & Book Signing;
12 am – Buffet Lunch including, among others, Portuguese Specialities like Shrimp and Chicken Rissoles, Codfish Fritters, Chicken Piri-Piri, “Feijoada” (Bean Stew), Vegetable Soup, Custard Tarts, “Brigadeiros” (chocolate balls) and Rice Pudding (cost 35 euros).
This will be an open door event; you can come and go anytime, but if you would like to enjoy the lunch, please confirm your presence and payment by emailing until Nov 24th (limited numbers).
Parking: parking on Wassenaarseslag is not allowed, if the driveway is full, please proceed straight ahead 50 meters and turn right onto Pieter Postlaan where you can park freely.