January 27, 2017: A little update on tomorrow’s (28 of January 2017) program at Waterstones in Ayr, where Tom McKerley will be doing bookreadings from Bloodlines-Touch Not the Cat and Bloodlines-Traces.
Also present: Catherine Czerkawska; Dave Grant playing an acoustic set in the afternoon, Scottish Storytime at 11.30 and Allan MacGillivray who will be doing burns recitations throughout the day.
The café has a special Haggis and Cheese toastie on the menu and a piece of shortbread with every hot drink.

Robert Burns, traditional foods and…… Scottish Family History.
Tom McKerley, co author of the Scottish American Mystery Novels Bloodlines- Touch Not the Cat & Bloodlines-Traces, will be there with the novels AND a new project McKerley & Schippers have been working on:
A Guide to Scottish Family History Writing, with examples of “how to go where and find what” while researching your own genealogy.
Come visit Tom in Waterstones Ayr, on the 28th and sample some Scottish traditions….